One thing I neglected to mention in my weekly update was the importance of hydration. With this heat, if you plan on riding (or doing anything outside) you need to focus on hydrating well before, during and after your rides. If you're riding tonight or tomorrow night be sure to bring two full water bottles - at least one of which contains a high quality electrolyte powder such as eLoad (you can buy this by the serving or by the container at Gears). Also be sure to hydrate well before the ride and after. Again, a good recovery drink will help ensure you're ready to go the next day!
I made the mistake of heading out for a ride yesterday at noon - well over 30 degrees with humidity. I didn't really prepare for the ride and only drank coffee, toast and a protein shake. Needless to say, I was only 10 km in to the ride and at the foot of a not-so-steep hill before I had to get off my bike and lay down in the grass in order to keep from doing myself in altogether. I used a gel, drank a bottle of water with electrolyte powder and ate something. And this was only after about 10 km! I got back on my bike and felt only marginally better. I rode another 20 km and then called it a day. This was definitely because I hadn't drank enough or eaten enough before the ride! Moral of the story - just because you're going on a short, easy ride - if it's hot and humid outside...don't neglect proper hydration and nutrition!
Be sure to prepare well - nutrition and hydration wise - for all the rides this week. I suspect the heat will be with us for all our rides this week!
See you on the road,