Hi Girls.
First off...as many of you already know, tonight's ride (Wednesday) is cancelled. Seems like everyone and their dog is either working or busy so no one is available to ride tonight. Weather is iffy and not much evening light left (we only got a 30km ride in last night) - so not the end of the world :(
For Sunday (September 26th):
We'll be riding from River Oak Community Centre at 9am Sunday morning. The community centre is located in Oakville on Sixth Line, just south of Dundas: http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=2400+Sixth+Line%0D%0AOakville,+ON%0D%0AL6H+3N8&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2400+6+Line,+Oakville,+Halton+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario+L6H+6J9&gl=ca&ei=3k6aTOPNGYvAsAPjoo3HBA&ved=0CBUQ8gEwAA&z=16
Park on the south side of the building.
The ride will be between about 85kms and 95kms - depending on group interest and time. We'll be riding to Moffat so be sure to bring money for buttertarts and a cold drink.
Drop me a quick line to let me know if you'll be there Sunday!