Hi Girls.
Hope you're all well!
I had originally suggested Thursday, November 26th as our next Spin and Social. I haven't heard back from many (okay, any...with the exception of Mary) of you so figured perhaps I would try changing the date to Wednesday. Plus side of that is that Gears Girls member Eve Loek is the instructor!
So, with that in mind, the next Gears Girsl Spin and Social will take place on Wednesday, November 25th at 6pm. Class begins at 6pm at Gears Bike Shop. Call 905-271-2400 to reserve your spot!
Following the class, we'll head over to Snug Harbour (http://www.snugharbourrestaurant.com/index.htm) for drinks and/or dinner. Snug Harbour is located east of Gears, just on the other side of the bridge...loads of free parking next to the restaurant.
If you don't want to spin, join us at Snug Harbour at 7:15pm. Spouses and friends are also invited!
Drop me a line if you will be joining us on the 25th. Also, don't forget that Simon Whitfield will be at Gears Bike Shop on Friday, November 28th between 6pm and 8pm, signing his new book and showing off his Olympic medals.
Hope to see you all on the 25th!